Garmin Würzburg GmbH Apps

NAVIGON select Telekom Edition
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
NAVIGON select Telekom Editon für Telekomcustomers in Germany only
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Support of 18 languages- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AL, AN, AT, BA, BE, BG, BY,CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IM, IS, IT, LI,LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, ME, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RK, RO, SE, SI, SM,RS, SK, TR, UK, VA- NAVIGON FreshMaps(2): For a one-off payment, you get the latestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for two years! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing the latestchanges to the road network and any amount of new points ofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 3.4GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Ob Urlaub, Wochenendtrip oder noch unbekannteZiele – mit NAVIGON kommen Sie immer schnell und sicher an!Verwandeln Sie Ihr Smartphone in ein vollwertiges mobilesNavigationssystem inkl. Onboard-Karten, um auch ohneInternetverbindung(1) immer den richtigen Weg zu finden.Wichtig: Die App benötigt nach der Installation weitere Daten(Karten etc.), die über WLAN geladen werden müssen.*** Funktionsumfang ***- Onboard-Kartenmaterial: Speichern Sie nur die Straßenkarten aufIhrem Smartphone, die Sie wirklich benötigen. So sparen SieSpeicherplatz.- Intelligente Adresseingabe, auch per Spracheingabe(1): Mit dererstklassigen, vereinfachten Adresseingabe, die per Tastatur undSpracheingabe bedienbar ist, finden Sie Ihr Ziel nochschneller- Präzise Sprachansagen inkl. Straßennamen: Damit Sie sich aufsAutofahren konzentrieren können- Aktuelle Verkehrsmeldungen(1, 2): Vermeiden Sie automatischunliebsame Staus- Warnung vor Gefahrenstellen(1, 2): Lassen Sie sich vorGefahrenstellen wie mobilen Blitzern warnen- Sonderzielsuche: Finden Sie Ihr Ziel auch ohne direkteAdresseingabe – lokal, Community-basiert oder durch AugmentedReality- Reale Beschilderungsanzeigen und Verkehrszeichen: Durchphotorealistische Kreuzungsansichten und Verkehrszeichen verlierenSie nie den Überblick- Dynamischer Fahrspurassistent: Lassen Sie sich anunübersichtlichen Kreuzungen oder Ausfahrten immer auf die richtigeSpur führen- Geschwindigkeitsassistent: NAVIGON warnt Sie visuell oderakustisch bei Überschreiten der erlaubten Geschwindigkeit- Optimale Route: Wählen Sie aus bis zu drei Routenvorschlägen diefür Sie passende Option- Erweiterte Fußgängernavigation: Finden Sie Ihr Ziel auch zu Fuß -oder mit Hilfe von Urban Guidance(1, 2) auch durch Einbeziehungöffentlicher Verkehrsmittel- Spritkosten sparen durch flinc: Nach einmaliger flinc-Aktivierungkönnen Sie Ihre NAVIGON-Fahrt automatisch als Mitfahrgelegenheitanbieten und sparen damit bares Geld. Mitfahrer können Sie entlangIhrer Route auch direkt in Ihrer NAVIGON-App anfragen – während Siebereits unterwegs sind- Viele weitere In App-Käufe möglich: Alternative Tankstellen, 3DKarten mit Bergen und Tälern, uvm.*** Kartenmaterial ***- Latest Map Guarantee für neuestes HERE-Kartenmaterial(3) für: AT,CH, DE, LI- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): Für eine einmalige Zahlung erhalten Siedie Karten aller europäischen Länder und zwei Jahre lang bis zuvier Mal jährlich die neusten Kartenupdates aus Expertenhand! Damitbleibt Ihre App immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand, enthält dieneuesten Änderungen des Straßennetzes und viele neueSonderziele*** Wichtige Hinweise ***Für einen optimalen GPS-Empfang ist die Positionierung IhresSmartphones im Fahrzeug sehr wichtig. Dafür empfehlen wir dieGarmin Smartphone-Universalhalterung mit zusätzlichemUSB-Anschluss, sodass Sie Ihr Smartphone auch während der Fahrtladen können, denn die dauernde Nutzung von GPS kann zu einerVerringerung der Akku-Laufzeit führen. Erhältlich im Fachhandeloder direkt im Garmin Shop unter! Bitte beachten Sieauch unseren FAQ-Bereich auf www.navigon.comAufgrund der hohen Datenmenge empfehlen wir die Nutzung von WLANfür die Erstinstallation. Diese NAVIGON Version benötigt ca. 1.6GBfreien Speicherplatz. Beim ersten Start müssen ca.25kB zurRegistrierung des Produkts gesendet werden.NAVIGON wünscht Ihnen viel Spaß beim Navigieren!(1)Um Ihnen jederzeit aktuelle Meldungen zur Verfügung stellen zukönnen, benötigen einige Funktionen eine Internetverbindung (z.B.Verkehrs- oder Blitzerinfos). Die Navigation selbst, inkl.Tempoanzeigen, Fahrspurassistenten uvm., benötigt allerdings keinInternet!(2)Als zusätzlicher In App-Kauf verfügbar(3)Sie erhalten das zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs der App aktuellsteKatenmaterialWhether vacation, weekendgetaway or unknown targets - with NAVIGON you always arrive quicklyand safely! Turn your smartphone into a fully functional mobilenavigation system incl. Onboard maps to always find the right pathwithout internet connection (1). Important: This app needs after installing more data (maps, etc.)that must be loaded via WLAN. *** *** Functions- Onboard maps: Save only the maps on your smartphone, you reallyneed. To save disk space.- Intelligent address entry, even by voice (1): The first-class,simplified address entry, which can be operated via keyboard andvoice input, find your destination faster- Precise voice announcements including street names: So that youcan concentrate on driving.- Current traffic information (1, 2): Avoid traffic jamsautomatically unwelcome- Warning of danger zones (1, 2): Let warn of danger spots asmobile speed cameras- POI search: find your destination even without direct addressentry - local, community-based or through Augmented Reality- Real signpost displays and traffic signs: Through photorealisticjunction views and traffic signs you never lose track- Dynamic Lane Guidance: Always seek lead to blind intersections orexits on the right track- Speed ​​Assistant: NAVIGON warns visually or audibly whenexceeding the speed limit- Optimal Route: Select up to three route suggestions that suitsyou option- Extended Pedestrian Navigation: Find your destination on foot -or by means of Urban Guidance (1, 2) including through theinvolvement of public transport- Fuel costs through flinc: After single flinc activation you canoffer your NAVIGON trip automatically as lift, thereby savingmoney. Books are now available along your route directly in yourNAVIGON app - while you are already on the way- Many more In app purchases available: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps with mountains and valleys, and much more. *** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for newest HERE-maps (3) for: AT, CH, DE,LI- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL (2): For a one time payment, you get themaps of all European countries and for two years up to four times ayear the latest map updates from the experts! To ensure that yourapp is always up to date, including the latest changes to roadsystems and a lot of new POIs *** Important Instructions ***For optimum GPS reception, the positioning of your smartphone inthe vehicle is very important. We therefore recommend the Garminsmartphone Universal mount with additional USB port so you cancharge your phone while driving, because the continuous use of GPScan lead to a reduction in battery life. Available from specialistretailers or directly in the shop Garmin at! Pleasealso see our FAQ section at www.navigon.comDue to the high volume of data, we recommend the use of Wi-Fi forthe first installation. This version requires approximately 1.6GBNAVIGON free space. When you first start ca.25kB must be sent toregister the product. NAVIGON hopes you have fun navigating! (1) In order to be able at any time provide the latest news isavailable, some features require an Internet connection (eg trafficor speed camera info). The navigation itself, incl. Tempo display,lane guidance and more., However, does not require anInternet!(2) available as additional In App Purchase(3) to obtain the time of purchase of the latest app KateMaterial
Garmin HUD North America
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
+++ New +++Important Note: This app only works with a Garmin HUD+ device. Forfurther information, please visit and seethe notes of the end of this description.After installing the app, you must download the maps and systemfiles over WiFi before you can use it.The Garmin HUD app provides detailed navigation information to yourGarmin HUD+ device so it can beam turn-by-turn directions and moreright onto your windshield for easy viewing while driving. To usethe app, you must pair your phone with a Garmin HUD+ device viaBluetooth®. Once paired, the Garmin HUD app transforms into afull-featured navigation app.Included Features:• Voice-guided turn-by-turn directions• Millions of preloaded points of interest including gas stations,restaurants and other businesses• Maps install to your device, so wireless coverage isn’trequired• Includes free map updates (one map update per year)• Lane Assist/Active lane assistant• Reality View Pro• MyRoutes calculates up to three routes in parallel• Integrated red light and speed camera databases (1)• Knows your current speed and posted speed limit (for most majorroads)• Current and forecasted weather conditionsUpgrade with optional in-app purchases:• Traffic Live - Live traffic updates and alerts (2)• Sound & 3D - Voice guidance with spoken street names andPanorama View 3D• Urban Guidance - Public transport routing (2)• Mobile Alert Live - Realtime information on danger spots such asi.e. speed cameras (2)HERE (former Navteq) Map coverage:United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, U.S. VirginIslandsNote:1) Includes fixed location cameras.2) This service requires a data connection. Depending on your dataplan, use of this app may incur charges.3) The application requires registering on first start. Thisrequires a small amount of data to be sent and my incur charges(approximately 25kb).4) After installation of the app, you need to download maps andsystem files via WiFi. The free memory required can be up to 2.5GBdepending on your selected maps. Please make sure that you have astable WiFi connection for download (> 30 min.) and sufficientmemory available.5) After the first and each subsequent connection to your HUD+device, this app can also be used without the HUD+ device for up to30 days. You must reconnect your Garmin HUD+ device to the app atthe latest after this period.6) Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramaticallydecrease battery life.
Que vous partiez en vacances, en week-end ouvers d’autres destinations encore inconnues, vous êtes sûrsd’arriver toujours rapidement et en toute sécurité avec NAVIGON.Transformez votre Smartphone en un système de navigation mobilecomplet incluant les cartes intégrées, pour trouver toujours labonne direction, même sans connexion Internet(1)Important : après l’installation, l‘App nécessite des donnéessupplémentaires (cartes etc.), à charger via WiFi (WLAN )*** Fonctionnalités ***- Cartographie intégrée : n’enregistrez sur votre Smartphone queles cartes routières dont vous avez vraiment besoin. Vouséconomisez ainsi de l’espace mémoire et naviguez sans connexionInternet- Entrée intelligente d’adresse, aussi par commande vocale(1) :grâce à l’entrée d’adresse performante, simplifiée, réalisable viale clavier ou la commande vocale, vous trouverez votre destinationencore plus rapidement- Instructions vocales précises, incl. les noms de rues : vousrestez ainsi parfaitement concentré sur votre conduite- Infos routières actuelles(1, 2) : évitez automatiquement lesembouteillages énervants- Avertissements de dangers(1, 2) : faites-vous avertir des zonesde dangers, telles les radars mobiles- Recherche d’adresses utiles : trouvez votre destination même sansentrée directe d‘adresse – sur le mode local, sur Community ou viaAugmented Reality- Affichage de panneaux et signaux routiers en mode réel : vousgardez toujours une bonne vue d’ensemble grâce à des affichages decroisements et signaux routiers photoréalistes- Assistant de voies dynamique : laissez-vous simplement guider surla bonne voie lors de croisements ou sorties compliqués- Assistant de vitesse : NAVIGON vous avertit visuellement ou enmode acoustique lors de dépassement de la vitesse autorisée- Itinéraire optimal : parmi trois propositions d’itinérairemaximum, sélectionnez l’option la mieux adaptée à vos besoins- Navigation piétonne étendue : trouvez votre destination à piedaussi – ou à l’aide de Urban Guidance(1, 2) aussi avec prise encompte des moyens de transports publics- De nombreux achats In-App possibles : stations-servicesalternatives, cartes en 3D avec montagnes et vallées, etc.*** Matériel cartographique ***- Latest Map Guarantee pour le tout récent materielcartographique(3) de : FR, MC- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2) : moyennant un seul paiement, vousobtenez les cartes de tous les pays d'Europe et pendant deux ansjusqu’à quatre fois par an les mises à jour récentes de cartes demain d’experts ! Ainsi votre App se trouve toujours au niveau leplus actuel, elle comporte les plus récentes modifications duréseau routier*** Veuillez tenir compte des indications suivantes ***Pour une réception GPS optimale, le positionnement du Smartphonedans le véhicule est important. Nous recommandons à cet effet lesupport universel de Smartphone Garmin avec raccord supplémentaire;vous pouvez ainsi recharger votre Smartphone même pendant levoyage. Disponible dans le commerce spécialisé ou directement à laboutique Garmin sous ! Veuillez consulter aussinotre espace FAQ sur www.navigon.comEn raison du volume haut de données, nous recommandonsl’utilisation du WiFi (WLAN) pour l’installation. Cette version deNAVIGON a besoin d’env. 1.7Go d’espace libre. Assurez-vous dedisposer d’une mémoire suffisante. Au premier démarrage env. 25kBsont envoyé pour l’enregistrement de la produit(1)Pour pouvoir vous faire profiter à tout moment d’informationsactuelles, certaines fonctions nécessitent une connexion Internet(informations routières, radars etc.). La navigation elle-même nenécessite pas d'internet !(2)Disponible en tant qu’achat In-App supplémentaire(3)Vous obtenez le matériel cartographique le plus récent au momentde l’achat de l’AppWhether you're onvacation, weekend or to other unknown destinations, you are sure toarrive always quickly and safely with NAVIGON. Turn your smartphoneinto a complete mobile navigation system including integrated mapsto always find the right direction even without an Internetconnection (1)Important: after installation, the app requires additional data(maps etc.), loading via WiFi (WLAN)*** Features ***- Integrated Mapping: do not save on your Smartphone as road mapsthat you really need. This saves memory space and navigate withoutan Internet connection- Intelligent address entry, also by voice (1): thanks to the inputaddress performance, simplified, workable via keyboard or voicecommand, you will find your destination even faster- Precise voice instructions, incl. street names: you perfectly andstay focused on your driving- Current traffic information (1, 2) automatically avoid annoyingtraffic jams- Warnings of hazards (1, 2): do you warn of danger areas, such asmobile radar- POI search: find your destination even without direct inputaddress - the local mode, on Community or via AugmentedReality- Display of road signs and signals in real mode: you always keep agood overview through displays of crosses and road signsphotorealistic- Dynamic Wizard ways: simply let yourself be guided on the rightpath when crossing or complicated outputs- Speed ​​Assistant: NAVIGON notifies you visually or by sound modewhen exceeding the speed limit- Optimal Route: from three maximum route suggestions, select theoption that best fits your needs- Extended Pedestrian Navigation: find your destination on footalso - or using Urban Guidance (1, 2) also with consideration ofpublic transport- Numerous possible in-app purchases, alternative petrol stations,3D maps with mountains and valleys, etc.Map material *** ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the recently cartographic material (3):FR, MC- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL (2): using a single payment, you get themaps of all European countries for two years and up to four times ayear with the recent updates of expert hand of cards! So your appis always in the most current level, it includes the latestamendments of the road network*** Please note the following details ***For the best GPS reception, position the smartphone in the vehicleis important. We recommend for this purpose universal supportGarmin Smartphone with additional connection; so you can rechargeyour Smartphone even during travel. Available from specialistretailers or directly to the Garmin sub shop! Pleasesee also our FAQ area on www.navigon.comDue to the high volume of data, we recommend using the WiFi (WLAN)for installation. This version of NAVIGON needs approx. 1.7Go freespace. Make sure you have sufficient memory. At first start approx.25kB are sent to the registration of the product(1) In order to make you enjoy at any time of current information,certain features require an Internet connection (trafficinformation, radar etc.). The navigation itself requires nointernet!(2) Available as a purchase additional in-app(3) You get the latest map material at the time of purchase of theApp
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: The NAVIGON cockpit, 3Dmaps showing mountains and valleys, and much more.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: USA- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment, you get the mapsof the USA, Canada as well as Mexico and the latest map updatesfrom experts up to four times a year, for two years! It means thatyour app is always up-to-date, containing the latest changes to theroad network and any amount of new points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
NAVIGON guide by Drei
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
NAVIGON Guide provides Drei Austria customersselected functions, including maps for Austria of the market leaderHERE. With sophisticated pedestrian navigation you can walkcomfortably and safely to your destination.Make sure also of the many useful features that the AutoNaviPremium package offers. Try it out for yourself, because from thefirst use of the app, you can test the package for 7 days free ofcharge in its entirety!With the following additional functions and packages that you caneasily purchase via in-app, customize the app to your needs:Car Navi Package:+ 2D Vehicle Navigation+ HERE maps of Austria+ POI on the map+ Extended Destination Information+ Traffic Check: Get already before departure information on thecurrent traffic conditions in your area+ Reality View Light+ Precise voice announcements+ Automatic day / night mode, the map display+ Clever Parking+ Weather Live+ Bluetooth support (Android 2.2)+ Extended Pedestrian Navigation+ Local SearchCar Navi Premium Package:All functions of car navigation package to expand:+ Europe Maps 44+ 3D Navigation (bird view)+ Reality View Pro - Photo-realistic preview of motorwayjunctions+ NAVIGON MyRoutes - display multiple routes including an estimateof the travel time to choose+ Text-to-Speech - Spoken street names+ Speed ​​Assistant - displays the speed limit and warns in case ofneed+ Lane Assistant Pro - helps correct filing before reaching ajunction+ Active Lane Assistant (Android 2.2) - animated lane guidancebased on the current speed+ Radar Info (permanently installed equipment)Google Street View (where available)Upgrade packageWith the upgrade package you as a user of the car navigationpackage always have the possibility to extend the application toall the extra features of the Premium packageTraffic Live Package+ Supplied regularly and in real time with the latest trafficinformationNAVIGON cockpit+ Offers a wealth of statistics and information for your drivingbehavior, which are also displayed on the screenNAVIGON FreshMaps XL+ Through time payment you will receive at least two years, everythree months, the latest maps from the experts. These include EU 44maps.Panorama View 3D+ Shows you the landscape not as a flat image, but in threedimensions with mountains and valleys for even betterorientation.By on-board navigation there are no data charges or roamingcharges, for example Route calculation and map display.IMPORTANT NOTES:- NAVIGON guide by Drei can be only be used by Drei Austriacustomers with an according SIM card- For first time users: This software requires more data (maps,etc.) which must be loaded via WLAN.- When using Live services such as Traffic Live will need a dataconnection may apply for according to your mobile contractfees.- It requires about 1GB of free space. Please ensure thatsufficient storage (SD card) is available.- Samsung users: please only download maps via WLAN!During the first use of NAVIGON guide by Drei registers yoursoftware. This happens automatically and requires a small amount ofdata from ca.25kB. Depending on your wireless service plan fees mayapply.The proper positioning of your smartphone in the vehicle foroptimum GPS reception is very important!GARMIN hopes you enjoy navigating!More news and / / twitter
NAVIGON system check 1.0
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
This tiny little application gives you an overview about mostimportant system information on a glance.QVGA deveices show only limited information.
NAVIGON North America
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: NAVIGON cockpit, 3D mapsshowing mountains and valleys, and much more.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: USA, CAN and MEX- NAVIGON FreshMaps(2): For a one-off payment, you get the latestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for two years! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing the latestchanges to the road network and any amount of new points ofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 2.8GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
NAVIGON Southern Africa 5.7.1
NAVIGON GPS sat nav for Southern Africa+++ Latest version 5.3.0 now available +++Important note:- The software requires additional data (maps, voices etc.) viaWLAN after installation!With NAVIGON you can transform your Android smartphone into afully functional mobile navigation system. Thanks to a faithfuladaptation of the menu functions, NAVIGON fits in seamlessly withthe Android operating concept.On-board navigation entails no data transfer or roaming charges,for example, for route calculation or map displays.*** Features and range of functions ***+ Widget for direct access to recent destinations, search POInearby, find home+ Google Street View - destination preview (where available)+ Active lane assistant (requires android 2.2 or higher)+ Bluetooth support (requires android 2.2 or higher)+ NAVION Latest Map Gurantee (new customers receive the mostup-to-date map on purchasing date)+ Local Search+ Foursquare log-in at destination+ Glympse: Send your position information to selected users+ Click-on-POI - Click into the map and get a list of POIs aroundthis point+ Safety Cameras (permanently installed cameras)+ Reality View Pro+ Lane Assistant Pro+ Speed Assistant+ NAVIGON Reality Scanner+ NAVIGON MyRoutes+ Text-to-Speech and precise spoken announcements+ Different voices (English accents)+ Extended Pedestrian Navigation+ Destination entry with coordinates+ Can be used in portrait and landscape format+ 2D and 3D map displays+ Automatic day and night mode for map display+ Direct access and navigation to contacts saved in thesmartphone’s address book+ Last Mile - can save automatically your car's position andswitches to pedestrian mode for walking of the last mile+ NAVTEQ map material for South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibiaand SwazilandEnhance your system with in-app packages!+ Panorama View 3D+ NAVIGON cockpitNote:- Positioning your smartphone correctly in the vehicle is veryimportant to ensure optimal GPS reception and for your own safety!We recommend attaching your telephone to the windscreen with asuitable suction pad holder. Ensure that this is always positionedoutside of the range of the airbags!- NAVIGON is an on-board solution. This means that all mapmaterial, voice announcements and system files are saved on thetelephone. Therefore no charges or waiting time for data transferare incurred.- The version requires approx. 1GB of free memory. Please ensureyou have sufficient available mass-storage space (SD card).- The map material must be downloaded after installing the app viaWLAN (WiFi) on the smartphone. Please ensure a reliable and safeconnection is available. Download may take more than 15 min.- on first startup a short data connection (ca. 25kB) is requiredto register your productWhether in the car, by bike or on foot, NAVIGON hopes you havefun satnav directions maps gps garmin navigon southafrica
NAVIGON Samsung Australia 5.3.0
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
Important information (Dec.2014) :This service is no longer being supported by Samsung Australia.Garmin will continue providing product maintenance, but newfeatures will no longer be introduced. All existing subscriberswill have access to the service until Dec 31st 2015. Customers whohave purchased in-app features will have enduring access.Service contact :
NAVIGON Turkey 5.3.1
Türkiye için NAVIGON GPS navigasyon+++ NAVIGON On-board navigasyon +++Önemli bilgilerYazılım cihazınıza yüklendikten sonra yüklenmesi gereken ekbilgiler vardirNAVIGON sayesinde Android telefonunuzu taşınabilir navigasyoncihazina çevirin. Bu size hiç bir şekilde kullanımı ve işlevselliğikolay olan NAVIGON'un ödüllü PND navigasyon sistemleriniaratmayacaktır.On-board navigasyon sayesinde rota hesaplama ya da haritagörüntüleme ve benzeri için size hiç bir şekilde veri aktarma ve yaroaming ücreti olmayacaktır.*** Özellikleri ve fonksiyonları ***+ Widget sayesinde "son hedeflerim", "etrafımda ara" ve ya "evedön" gibi+ Aktif şerit kılavuzu - Yol akışını dinamik animasyon sayesindegerçek yol düzenine yakin bir şekilde virajlarla birlikte gösterir.Android 2.2 ve üzerine mevcuttur.+ En son, güncellenmiş harita (yeni müşterilerimize uygulamaylabirlikte en yeni haritayı sunarız).+ Güvenlik Kamera bilgileri (sabit kameralar)+ Reality View Pro - Her zaman doğru yol ayrımının farkınavarınız+ Şerit kılavuzu pro+ Yol hız limiti bilgileri+ NAVIGON Reality Scanner (gerçeklik tarayıcı)+ NAVIGON MyRoutes - Sizin için en uygun olan güzergâhıönerir+ Fourquare+ Glympse+ Yaya Navigasyonu+ Koordinat girişi+ 2 ve 3 boyutlu harita.+ Otomatik gündüz ve gece modu+ Telefon rehberinde kaydedilen kişi adreslerine doğrudanerişim.+ Bir tuşla eve dön fonksiyonu.+ HERE (Navteq) HaritaIn-App paketleri ile sisteminizi genişletin:+ Urban Guidance+ NAVIGON FreshMaps XL - NAVIGON Avrupa ya yükseltme içerir.+ NAVIGON KokpitNot:- Yaklaşık 1GB boş yer gereklidir. Lütfen hafıza kartınızdayeterli boş yer olduğundan emin olun.- App yüklendikten sonra haritalar telefonunuza WLAN aracılığıylaindirmeniz gerekir. Lütfen kesintisiz ve güvenli bir bağlantıyadikkat ediniz.- Ürünü ilk başlattığınızda kayıta 30 kb kadar verigönderilecektir.Ister araç, ister bisiklet, ister yaya. NAVIGON size iyiyolculuklar navigasyon, avrupa navigasyon, navigasyon sistemi,Türkiye
NAVIGON Iberia 5.4.5
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip or heading off somewhereas yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can be sure of getting therequickly and safely! Transform your Smartphone into afull-performance mobile navigation system that includes onboardmaps so that you can always find your way – even when no internetconnection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Support of 18 languages- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on yourSmartphone that you really need. That way, you save on memory spaceand can navigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that youcan concentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts ofdanger spots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have anoverview thanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and roadsigns.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclearor on motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if youare exceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up tothree suggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destinationon foot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and much more.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AN, ES, PT- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment, you get all 46maps of Europe and the latest map updates from experts up to fourtimes a year, for two years! It means that your app is alwaysup-to-date, containing the latest changes to the road network andany amount of new points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whetherin the car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at alltimes, some functions require an internet connection (e.g. trafficreports or speed camera alerts). However, the navigation systemitself, including address search, speed display, driving laneassistant and much more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection1 is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: DK, FI, NO, SE- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment you get all 46maps of Europe and the latest map updates from experts up to fourtimes a year, for two years! It means that your app is alwaysup-to-date, containing the latest changes to the road network andany amount of new points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: IE, IM, UK- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment, you get 46 mapsof Europe and the latest map updates from experts up to four timesa year, for two years! It means that your app is always up-to-date,containing the latest changes to the road network and any amount ofnew points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Xperia Edition 5.7.1
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
On-board navigation by GarminPlease note :- Xperia Edition runs EXCLUSIVELY on selected SONY Xperiadevices- The software requires additional data (maps, voices) via WiFiafter installation!Garmin brings its award winning experience from personalnavigation devices to transform your SONY Xperia device into afully functioning mobile navigation system.Xperia Edition is an on-board solution, meaning no data transfer,waiting time or roaming charges occur when using the map display,voice announcements or route calculation. The system files aresaved directly to your device so you can navigate anywhere inEurope incl. Russia OR North America OR Australia OR SouthernAfrica OR Brazil/Argentina without worrying about cellular coverageor excessive data charges.You can make free use of the Xperia Edition with all options activewithin a 30 days trial phase and later decide whether you want toextend this phase by another 30 days via a Google subscription forthe 30-DAYs-ALL-IN package or purchase one of the two lifetimeoptions EFFICIENCY or EXCELLENCE available. Even after ending ofthe trial phase the pedestrian navigation function alwaysremains.Features included in the EFFICIENCY, EXCELLENCE and30-DAYs-ALL-IN:• Supports 18 different languages• Europe (incl. Russia), OR North America, OR Australia, ORSouthern Africa, OR Brasil/Argentina maps• Turn-by-turn voice guidance• Intelligent address search• Reality Scanner• Point of Interest search• Local Search (a)• Car & Pedestrian mode• Navigate to contacts• Take me home function• Route Planning• Clever Parking• Live Weather (a)Features additionally included in the EXCELLENCE lifetimepackage and the 30-DAYs-ALL-IN option:• Reality View Pro - Photo realistic display of motorway junctionsand exits• 3D map view – Bird-view-like map display• Speed Assistant – Display of current speed limit and warning whenexceeding• Radar Info - Fix installed speed & red light cameras• Lane Assistant Pro - Display of the best lane to take whenapproaching a junction• Text-to-Speech - Spoken Street Names• MyRoutes - Multiple route calculation• Enables pedestrian navigation on SONY SmartWatch 2. Requiresadditional installation of the free extension NAVIGON SmartwatchConnect, available here in Google PlayOptional extensions for the EXCELLENCE package, included in the30-DAYs-ALL-IN option:• Traffic Live (a) - Real time traffic updates. Avoid traffic jams,roadworks, road closures and more. Automatic re-routingpossible• Mobile Alert Live (a) - Receive real time information on dangerspots in your country (Europe and North America only!). You canalso report such spots to help other drivers• Mobile Alert Live Premium (a) - As Mobile Alert Live, but workingPan-European wide (Europe only!), providing information level ofreliability, time passed since last report and the number ofreporters travelling in your direction• FreshMaps - Regularly map updates (b)• Panorama View 3D - View the landscape in 3D with mountains andvalleys• Urban Guidance - Use also public transport to navigate in manyurban areas (a)• NAVIGON cockpit - Gauges and displays showing various physicalparameters(a) Live service. A data connection is required(b) Garmin warrants at least a 24 month support for this serviceafter purchaseNotes:- On first startup a short data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatoryto register your product. During trial phase and for subscriptionproducts a short data connection is required at every start. Pleaseensure data connection is available- NAVIGON is an on-board solution. Hence all map material, voicesand system files are saved on the phone. With all maps installedthe app requires approx. 3.4GB of memory. Please ensure you havesufficient mass-storage memory available- The map material must be downloaded via WiFi. Please ensure areliable connection is available. Time of download depends onnetwork and number of selected maps
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination onfoot too – or use Urban Guidance1,2 if you also want to includepublic transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and muchmore.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: IT, SM, VA- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment, you get all 46maps of Europe and the latest map updates from experts up to fourtimes a year, for two years! It means that your app is alwaysup-to-date, containing the latest changes to the road network andany amount of new points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
NAVIGON Australia
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that you canconcentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts of dangerspots such as speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have an overviewthanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and road signs.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclear oron motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if you areexceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up to threesuggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destination on foot too –or use Urban Guidance (1, 2) if you also want to include publictransport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: 3D maps showing mountainsand valleys, and more.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps (3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: AU, NZ- NAVIGON FreshMaps (2): For a one-off payment, you get the latestmap updates from experts up to four times a year, for two years! Itmeans that your app is always up-to-date, containing the latestchanges to the road network and any amount of new points ofinterest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whether inthe car, on a bike or on foot!(1) To be able to provide you with the latest reports at all times,some functions require an internet connection (e.g. traffic reportsor speed camera alerts). However, the navigation system itself,including address search, speed display, driving lane assistant andmuch more, does not require the internet.(2) Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3) You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Whether on holiday, taking a weekend trip orheading off somewhere as yet unfamiliar – with NAVIGON, you can besure of getting there quickly and safely! Transform your Smartphoneinto a full-performance mobile navigation system that includesonboard maps so that you can always find your way – even when nointernet connection(1) is available.Important: Following installation, the app needs further data(maps, etc.) which have to be loaded via WiFi (WLAN).*** Scope of function ***- Onboard map material: only save the road maps on your Smartphonethat you really need. That way, you save on memory space and cannavigate even when no internet connection is available.- Intelligent address entry, including voice entry(1): thanks tothe first-class, simplified address entry, which can be operatedusing the keypad or via voice input, you can find your destinationeven more quickly.- Precise voice commands, including street names: so that youcan concentrate on driving the car.- The latest traffic reports(1, 2): avoid annoying jamsautomatically.- Hazard warnings(1, 2): you can choose to receive alerts ofdanger spots such as mobile speed traps.- POI search: find your destination even without entering theaddress directly – locally, Community-based or using AugmentedReality.- Real signage and road sign displays: you always have anoverview thanks to photo-realistic views of junctions and roadsigns.- Dynamic lane assistant: at junctions where the exit is unclearor on motorway exits, be guided into the right lane every time.- Speed assistant: NAVIGON warns you visually or audibly if youare exceeding the permitted speed limit.- Optimal route: choose the right option for you, from up tothree suggested routes.- Route planning: plan longer trips with several destinations enroute.- Expanded pedestrian navigation: navigate to your destinationon foot too – or use Urban Guidance(1, 2) if you also want toinclude public transport.- Many other in-app purchases possible: alternative petrolstations, 3D maps showing mountains and valleys, and much more.*** Maps ***- Latest Map Guarantee for the latest HERE maps(3) (formerlyNavteq), with the following coverage: BE, LU, NL- NAVIGON FreshMaps XL(2): For a one-off payment, you get all 46maps of Europe and the latest map updates from experts up to fourtimes a year, for two years! It means that your app is alwaysup-to-date, containing the latest changes to the road network andany amount of new points of interest.*** Please note the following ***The correct positioning of your Smartphone in the vehicle isimportant for optimum GPS reception. For that reason, we recommendthe Garmin Smartphone Universal Mount with additional USBconnection so that you can also charge your Smartphone during yourtrip. Continuous use of GPS can shorten battery life. Available inspecialist stores or directly from the Garmin Shop also note our FAQ area at version of NAVIGON can require up to 1.6GB of free memory(depending on the number of maps you download). Due to the highdata volume, we recommend using WiFi (WLAN). On first startup ashort data connection (ca. 25kB) is mandatory to register yourproductNAVIGON wishes you a lot of fun from your navigation – whetherin the car, on a bike or on foot!(1)To be able to provide you with the latest reports at alltimes, some functions require an internet connection (e.g. trafficreports or speed camera alerts). However, the navigation systemitself, including address search, speed display, driving laneassistant and much more, does not require the internet.(2)Available as an additional in-app purchase.(3)You get the maps most up-to-date at the time you purchase theapp
Garmin HUD Europe
Garmin Würzburg GmbH
+++ New - Garmin HUD+ Europe +++Important Note: This app only works with a Garmin HUD+ device. Forfurther information, please see below notes and visit After installing the app, you must downloadthe maps and system files over WiFi before you can use it.The Garmin HUD app provides detailed navigation information to yourGarmin HUD+ device so it can project turn-by-turn directions andmore right onto your windshield for easy viewing while driving. Touse the app, you must pair your phone with your Garmin HUD+ devicevia Bluetooth®. Once paired, the Garmin HUD app transforms into afull-featured navigation app, including the followingfeatures:• Voice-guided turn-by-turn directions• Millions of preloaded points of interest including gas stations,restaurants and other businesses• Maps install to your device, so wireless coverage isn’trequired• Includes free map updates (one map update per year)• Lane Assist/Active lane assistant• Reality View Pro• MyRoutes calculates up to three routes in parallel• Integrated red light and speed camera databases (1)• Knows your current speed and posted speed limit (for most majorroads)• Current and forecasted weather conditionsUpgrade with optional in-app purchases:• Traffic Live - Live traffic updates and alerts (2)• Sound & 3D - Voice guidance with spoken street names andPanorama View 3D• Urban Guidance - Public transport routing (2)• Mobile Alert Live - Information on danger spots in real time(i.e. speed camers). Mobile Alert Live (one country in Europe) orMobile Alert Live Premium (europe wide) (2)HERE (former Navteq) map coverage:Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia &Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro,Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Kosovo, Romania,San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican CityImportant notes:1) Includes fixed location cameras.2) This service requires a data connection. Depending on your dataplan, use of this app may incur charges.3) The application requires registering on first start. Thisrequires a small amount of data to be sent and my incur charges(approximately 25kb).4) After installation of the app, you need to download maps andsystem files via WiFi. The free memory required can be up to 2.3GBdepending on your selected maps. Please make sure that you have astable WiFi connection for download (> 30 min.) and sufficientmemory available.5) After the first and each subsequent connection to your HUD+device, this app can also be used without the HUD+ device for up to30 days. You must reconnect your Garmin HUD+ device to the appat the latest after this period.6) Continued use of GPS running in the background can stronglydecrease battery Garmin, Navigon, HUD, HUD+, navigation, directions, maps